Get Involved

Donate: Your special gift makes a big difference. Donations can be made in person, over the phone, through mail, and on our website and Facebook pages. We are a 501 (c) 3 Non profit, therefore your donation may be tax deductible. Thank you!
Become a Member: Join today for ultimate benefits! Free visits at the museum, sneak peek of new exhibits before they're open to the public, member-only appreciation events, and 20% gift shop purchases! Different levels available.
Sponsors: The Runestone Museum is a community funded organization. We invite you to become a Sponsor and help the museum provide community programs and services to preserve our past and inform our future. Click to view our current sponsors, or to become one!
Board of Directors: Click to see our Board of Directors and our mission statement. Want to nominate someone to join our board? Contact us!
Volunteer: You can make a difference, while having fun and meeting new people! Call us today!